Friday, July 30, 2010

My gateway into serious nerdiness

I've always enjoyed nerdy things like Star Wars and Warcraft and such, but now I'm in a point in my life where I don't want them to be backseat interests, I want them to be my main focus.
Now that I'll be working, I'll be able to actually FUND these interests, so now's a better time than ever.

Right now I want to focus on World of Warcraft. A game I played a few times, spent a lot of money on, and REALLY enjoy. When I was looking up beta videos for the Cataclysm beta that's out, I came across a user on youtube named TotalBiscuit:
After watching his WoW videos, I watched some of his Starcraft videos. And after THOSE videos, I subcribed to his podcast and joined his website.
And through doing that, I found OTHER WoW Podcasts, such as The Instance and The Starting Zone.
So now I've got all the fuel I need to learn more about WoW, and I'm VERY excited for it.

New Blog Here

Hey folks, Matt here.
Some people were talking about how they had blogs and were updating and all that fun stuff, so I decided that I'd try jumping on board.
I already do videos and stuff on Youtube (which you can find here: )

So my intentions for this blog would be updating about my life, and about all the awesome things I find about games and other nerdy things.