Sunday, August 22, 2010


Exciting weekend was exciting. I went to Wal-Mart to buy a few things with my paycheck, but I didn't find everything I wanted.
So I ended up splurging on a $50 LEGO set that I've wanted, but haven't been able to afford.
I got General Grievous' Starfighter set.
And it is AWESOME.
I also got the new Clone Wars General Grievous figure, and the older but repackaged Saga Legends General Grievous.
I made reviews on all of those, and you can find them on my youtube channel.

Was quite cool. They also had a new Kit Fisto that I might pick up later this week.

Small update, but an update nonetheless!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


So I got my first paycheck Friday, for about $210.
I'm not able to use it yet though, because the bank the check was from was nowhere near where we were, so I couldn't cash it. I had to start a new bank account at a different bank with it.
So now I have a bank account with money in it, but no way to use it because I have to wait for my debit card.
But still cool that I'm on my way to having everything I need.

I was able to borrow some money from my dad and buy myself a Transformer figure.
There aren't a whole lot of good ones being sold right now, it's kind of disappointing, but I did managed to find one cool one. It's called Brawn, it's an Autobot, and it's from the Revenge of the Fallen line. He's a Hummer in car mode, and then his robot mode is pretty kickass with a back cannon and two pistols. For $9, it was an awesome buy.
I'd like to buy more of these, but they need to have better looking ones for sale before I do that.

My "local" Wal-mart is also FINALLY stocking the new Star Wars figures, so next time I go I'm probably picking up the new General Grievous figure, which will be sweet.

Solia news! I am becoming a mod again. I don't know when, probably when Iscariot has the time to set it all up, but it will be happening. I stepped down at first because I didn't think I'd have enough free time after work to want to worry about modding when I came home. Now that I've worked two weeks I see that I do have enough time, so I asked if I could come back. I got the ok! So you should be seeing me modding again in the near future ;P

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hasn't been so nerdy

Of a week that is. Nothing to really talk about besides the fact that I worked, and that it sucks that I don't get paid for my first week until next week rofl

Been trying to get a bank account, but the bank is never open when you need it to be, so I have to wait until tomorrow to try again. I don't even know if I have enough money to open one.

Solia is back up, that's a cool thing. The new Reaper's Regalia item is amazing, I don't care much about the overgrowth though. Looks like its just an addon to the Ent item.

So that's all for today. I just wanted to post to show I haven't forgotten about this. I just haven't had anything to update with just yet.

Monday, August 2, 2010

First day on the jorb

What a day, what a day.

I woke up at 4:30 AM, rode to work with my dad at 6:00AM, and got to work at 7:00AM.
So 2 and a half hours spent in my day and I'm not even working yet.

I get to work, speak with my manager person, and then meet my supervisor.
He's supposed to set me up with my time card and then take me to where I'm supposed to be or whatever, but because today was the start of someone else who is new and a lot of other things, we forgot to do the time card and all this other nonsense.
So I meet my coworkers, and they all seem pretty cool.
Abadu , not sure how to spell it, but he's from Africa and can be quite funny.
Rosa is from the Dominican Republic and is very nice, fun to be around.
Herman is from the Philippines and can also be pretty funny.
Problem is because they're all from different areas, it can be very hard to understand them, which can be awkward. But they're all really nice so I'll take minor awkwardness over jerks any day.

We were working in a building where we had to wash windows and bathrooms while they were finishing the building, so everything is awkward and unorganized, and kind of a pain in the ass because we didn't have all the materials we needed so we had to share some.

So finally work gets out, and we awkwardly get into people's cars because most of us don't have our own, and we drive to go do our time cards. I don't have one though, so I have to call up my supervisor and be like WAT DOES I DO AND WHERE DOES I GO IN DA MORNIN TOMORROW?!
All confused like. So my. .  underboss, girl who works under the supervisor but over us, helped me get my time card set up, and told me to meet there tomorrow, and then I'll actually be trained in the morning.
So. . yeah.
That was my official work day for this week.
But then I also had to stay with my father until 3:30PM, drive to a side job, work there until 6:30, get home, eat, shower, and now its about 7:50PM, and my entire day is taken up because I need to go to bed soon.

Going to be a hell of a new life to get used to.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Oh me oh Midorea

So after almost 2 years being exclusively a member of Solia, and not really using other avatar sites, I've finally come across one that I can enjoy on a similar level.
Granted, it doesn't have nearly as much and isn't nearly as big, but its still cool.
It's called Midorea, and you can find it here:
( and yes that is a referral link ;P )

It has a battle arena that's pretty cool but needs a LOT of work.
And if you are a male, prepare to have a hard time getting items at the moment. Not many male items on here. But it is something they are working on, so if you want to suggest some items for them to have, now is a good time to do it.

In the meantime, over on Solia, I've stepped down from being a moderator because when I start working I'm not going to have much free time at home until the weekends. Moderating my forum was not hard work, so it's not about it being OMG TOO MUCH, it's that I don't want to have my small amount of free time being semi-consumed by me having to watch the forum while I'll be wanting to do other things.
Currently as I'm typing this up, Solia is down with server issues, THE DAY WE WANT TO SEE THE NEW DI'S! What a bummer haha. I'll probably type up another blog post with what I think of them after I'm able to actually see them.